I tried all 4 flavors of the original chewy peps! I usually order peppermint and this time wanted to try all of them.
1) classic peppermint is still amazing! A go to for all times.
2) Molasses has a hint of peppermint as well. It’s a little sweeter and more mild. Excellent. Maybe more kid friendly?
3) cinnamon is a classic. Not the fake cinnamon of a hot tamale or cinnamon bear. It’s not “spicy hot” at all. It’s a true natural cinnamon. Like cinnamon stick.
4) Ginger. The BEST in our opinion at my house. We also like ginger chews and ginger molasses cookies. These taste like a true ginger with a sweet creamy flair!
My Favorite Flavor of Peppermint, Delicious! Wonderful Texture, Too!
My wife and I discovered Chewy Peps over a decade ago, and we were sad when they were discontinued. As soon as we found out that they were again being made, and that they are of the same delicious and excellent quality, we immediately purchased some. We have since ordered multiple large size bags. We've tried all of the flavors, including the new puffs. Our favorite is still the original peppermint chews (with cinnamon coming in a VERY close second place). The ginger and molasses chews are also excellent. Molasses takes third place, with ginger in the forth place spot. Prior to Christmas, we purchased all four flavors in chews and puffs; ginger was a new flavor for us. Personally, I like the molasses a bit more than the ginger. However, some of my family members said that the molasses flavor tasted like it was half peppermint (there might be some flavor bleed-over at the factory). The puffs are okay, but a little on the expensive side for how little product winds up in one's mouth and how fast they disappear. The chews are definitely what we like the best. My go-to method of eating them is to put three chews in my cheek to start the softening process. Then chew one at a time. An additional observation, many cadies can stick to teeth. For being a chewy candy, Chewy Peps don't seem to stick to dental work quite as much as caramel type candies. If I could make one suggestion, it would be to work on the molasses flavor to make it deeper with less mint flavor mixed in. I guess the cinnamon chews also take on a bit of peppermint flavor; those could use a slight flavor tweak, as well, to isolate the cinnamon flavor. Thanks for bringing back these wonderful candies.
I order Chewy Peps for my hubby for special occasions. They remind him of a candy he used to love from a candy store in San Francisco when he was a kid. They are so delicious and their customer service is fantastic!
Original Chewy Peps are the best! A bit pricey but they are worth it! I absolutely love them, the flavor is spot on, hasn’t changed at all in forever. My favorite! I tried the fluffy Peps and the Fluffy Ginger and hated them!!